We are passionate about what we do and love helping you express your individuality and showcase your beauty.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Express your uniqueness.

Everyone's individual style and daily lives are different.

We acknowledge everyone’s individual style and daily lives are different. Hence our ongoing education.

We are motivated by each and every client’s unique style.

Get to know the roots of Serenity. Serenity Salon came about in a time of great change in my life.

Opening a 3,000+ square foot salon was truly a prayer that was answered. It happened by believing in the works of prayer and faith. Prayer was my helper but faith is what played the biggest part. I prayed to open a place where people would love each other, and be kind to one another’s uniqueness.

I wanted a place that would grow stylists to a new level in their career. It had its most trying times opening in a pandemic, but prayer kept my worries small.

God blessed me with amazing people who helped me along the way. I wanted a place where I could provide career growth as well as technical growth for each Salon family member.

This is just the beginning of my dreams.

I prayed that all the right people come and fill this house with love, joy, and respect. Integrity is big for me and I love the salon family I have as they are always looking out for one another and all have a great relationship in the breakroom.

My dreams are also because of the salon family in Serenity. Without them, it’s just a building and myself.

Elisa Navarrete, Serenity's Founder

Serenity is a home where beauty shines. It’s a place of freedom, a place to be unique — a place with no judgment. Serenity is a culture not just a luxury salon. We are a family where we all get to have a moment to shine. We are the change in our community of salons. We are a place that will always be blessed by prayer for all of our friends and family.

“She believed she could, so she did.”

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